As science and technology set new benchmarks, there is a need for newer and updated instruments to speed up
the manufacturing processes for quality control and for various types of research work. With an aim to cater with
new technology instruments, ATaM Instruments was established in 2005. We are a manufacturer and exporter
of Advance Level Testing and Measurement Instruments covering following application areas,
Pharmaceutical & Biotech Research Labs, Soil testing, Oil and petroleum testing, Metrology, Hydrology etc.
We export eighty percent of our products to various countries around the world. Hospitals, research institutes
and various industrial establishments form our customer base.
Client satisfaction is our main goal and we go to
the full length to ensure this aspect, by providing quality goods and reliable services. We have a board of
advisors which include well known Biotech Scientists, Instrumentation Engineers, Bio-Medical Engineering
professionals who advise us on technology matters. Being high on quality, precision & durability, our products
are widely appreciated.
Our products have found appreciation not only in the Indian market but also in various locations abroad.
We have built up a reputation for delivering high quality products at the best prices and our target markets
include USA, Asian countries and other SAARC and ASEAN countries.
Company: Advanced Test & Measurement Instruments
Established: 2005
Description: Manufacturer and Exporters of instruments related to Material and Soil testing instruments-Slump
test apparatus, vicat needle apparatus, le chatelier moulds, shrinkage bar moulds, cube moulds, liquid limit devices,
liquid limit devices (motorised), sand pouring cylinders, standard compaction tests pycnometer, rapid moisture meter,
brass frame sieves, sieve shakers, density baskets, marshall test apparatus, etc
Oil and Petroleum testing instruments include: Bomb calorimeter apparatus, redwood viscometers,
kinematic viscometers, bath and distillation apparatus.
Biotech Instruments include Balances, BOD incubators, centrifuges cordless grinders, cuvettes, electrophoresis
power supply, gel imaging systems, high pressure cell crushers, homogenizers, horizontal DNA electrophoresis,
magnetic stands, magnetic stirrers, micro centrifuges, plate washer, PH meters, pipettes, plant growth chambers,
portable uv transilluminators, real-time pcr cyclers, rotary blenders, seed germinator, shakers, sonicators,
spectrophotometers, thermal cyclers, ultrasonic baths, uv transilluminators, vacuum manifolds, vertical protein
electrophoresis, water bath, western blot transfer systems, etc.
Meteorology products include Weather Station; Digital rainfall recorder; Digital Rainfall Event logger,
Digital Rain Gauge, Digital Evaporation recorder, Digital Snow Water Equivalent Recorder,
Digital Solar radiation recorder, Sun-Shine Recorder
1: Soil Testing Instruments
2: Metreology Instruments
3: Biotech Instruments
Classification: Manufacturer, Distributor/Dealer
Target Markets: Latin America, Central/Eastern Europe, North Africa/Middle East
Tel: 00911127552087
Fax: 00911127553286
Address: 547, SBA, Plot No 15, Sector 13, Rohini
City: Delhi
State/Province: Delhi
Zip/PC: 110085
Country: India
URL: http://www.ataminstruments.com
Contact: Meenakshi Sharma
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