Problems pertaining to burrs are different and typical in every case and hence readily available standard solutions
are not always compatible. They are in variably time consuming, cumbersome and are generally not cost effective
both in the initial stages as well as in the long run. Temporary solutions, found within the existing infrastructure
and material, may appear less cumbersome and may even see unnecessary activity, but eventually will not be
cost effective and proper, particularly if they have to be repetitively done. The initiative, effort and time spent
to find a solution for such a typical problem, may apparently incur additional cost initially, but it definitely
proves its worth in the long run.
We at IMEXSU INDIA have successfully provided customized solutions in a number of such typical cases,
which have proved to make a sizable saving in man and machine hours with consistency.
We have complete DeBurring Solution on VMC / HMC / FMC / CNC / SPM / and various other machines
for different component made from materials like steel, alloy steel, cat iron, cast steel, stainless steel, aluminum,
non ferrous material, plastic and others.
We have a complete range of holders, tools and other accessories needed for your M.I.D. (Machine Inline DeBurring),
right from holders for your ISO / BT / HSK & other make to suit your machine, with flow through coolant and
other accessories required for various types of brushes holding according to your job, machine and process.
We offer complete consultancy for all your DeBurring problems, including machines, holders & tools with
related accessories including consumables like brushes & wheels.
Company: Imexsu
Established: 1976
Description: Providing customizes solutions for DeBurring and Surface Preparation to various industries has
been the objective of the company since its inception in 1976. IMEXSU INDIA in more than 30 years, grown
and diversified its activities with the sole intention of evolving varied possible solutions to the mani-fold problems
faced during the manufacturing, machining, fabricating, casting, extruding of components and products all
under one roof.
The challenges posed by problems at various times have been the real source of inspiration for the company.
These challenges have also paved the way for the company to gain an in-depth knowledge of the intricacies
that go into the making of a deburring machines, tools, holders, equipment and consumables.
1: DeBurring
2: VMC DeBurring
3: HMC DeBurring
Classification: Manufacturer, Engineering/Consultancy
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: +912228570339
Fax: +912228574829
Address: 8-A, Vaibhav Industrial Estate, Baji Pasalkar Marg
City: Mumbai
State/Province: Maharashtra
Zip/PC: 400072
Country: India
URL: http://de-burring.com
Contact: Praveen Panchal
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