Our main product lines include: Light Sources For Solar and Wind Energy Use: 12/24V DC Compact Fluorescent
Lamps, DC Fluorescent Lamps (T4/T5 or T8), Solar LED Lamps etc.
Solar Application Fixtures include: Solar Flashlights/Touches, Solar Powered Bicycle Lamps, Solar Camping Lantern
Lights and Solar Road Show Lights.
Since we entered into the solar and lighting industry we have formed a set of efficient operating mechanism
and well-performed management system.
Company: Goopow Solar and Light Co., Ltd.
Established: 2003
Description: Goopow Solar and Light Co., Ltd as one of professional producers of solar and light products
in China, we specialize in the production and exportation and R&D of renewable energy products with strong
technical strength and rich in engineering design and construction experience. Since we entered into the solar
and lighting industry we have formed a set of efficient operating mechanism and well-performed management system.
1: solar lights
2: solar lighting
3: energy saving lamps
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 86-757-85364096
Fax: 86-757-85392796
Address: Longjin Industrial Zone, Nanzhuang
City: Foshan
State/Province: Guangdong
Zip/PC: 528061
Country: China
URL: http://www.china-solar-lights.com
Contact: Angel Yu
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