Company: SUNCOR Electronics Ltd
Established: 2006
Description: SUNCOR electronics Ltd is specialized in providing professional solutions for powerutilities
in the fields of power system test and monitoring. We gain our reputation through our qualified, reliable products
and service. Products include Digital clamp meter, Corona visualizer, Sweep frequence response analizer, transformer earthing status on-line detector and Lightning protective device (Surge arrestor/Surge supressor/Surge protector).
Our OEM solutions include Frequency Response Analyzer, Transformer earthing status on-line detecting
and lightning protective device (Surge arrestor).
1: Relay test set
2: Universal test kit
3: 3 phase relay tester
Classification: Distributor/Dealer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 86-28-85176150
Fax: 86-28-85159800
Address: 5 Gig Gaopeng Road
City: Chengdu
State/Province: Sichuan
Zip/PC: 610041
Country: China
URL: http://www.suncor.cn
Contact: Xia Xiaoming
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