Company: KL Industrial Supply
Established: 2000
Description: We are the designer & producer of sandblast room, sandblast machine & accessories in China.
We have provide our goods to many blasting work distributor and end-users all over the world and
would like to provide our better quality products & excellent service to you as well.
Products include sandblast room, sandblast pot & cabinet and dust collection equipment as well as
blasting nozzles (e.g. venturi, angle, fan, stick up nozzles), blast hose/air hose coupling made of
nylon, brass, aluminium and cast steel. We also offer nozzle hoders: nylon, brass, aluminium, cast steel,
blast hose, abrasives valve and accessories.
1: sandblast equipment
2: sandblasting products
3: blasting
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 865613077666
Fax: 865613077000
Address: 3015 Shengshi Market
City: Habeu
State/Province: -
Zip/PC: 39000
Country: China
URL: http://www.klsupplycn.com
Contact: Kim
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