Company: Ritveyraaj Cargo Shipping Containers
Established: 2004
Description: Manufacturing, selling, leasing of shipping containers, bunkhouse, pre used bunkhouse, used
shipping containers, steel shipping containers for container house construction and building construction markets.
Products include: Dry containers, open closed top, flat racks, refrigerated containers by Ritveyraaj Cargo
Shipping Containers in Mumbai, India. Feel free to contact us to learn more about our shipping containers
and services or visit our website for more information. Looking forward to the opportunity to serve you.
1: shipping containers
2: bunkhouse
3: pre used bunkhouse
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 91-22-26232857
Fax: 91-22-26209746
Address: 4 & 5, Saooli , J P Road, Andheri West
City: Mumbai
State/Province: Maharashtra
Zip/PC: 400 058
Country: India
URL: http://www.rrcscindia.com
Contact: Kunal Berani
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