Company: Remarkable mask Technology Co., Ltd
Established: 2003
Description: Remarkable Mask Technology Co., Ltd. (RMTC) is currently the sole manufacturer of
high-end photo-masks in the Mainland China and Hong Kong regions. Our specialty is in the manufacturing technology
of binary mask and phase shifting mask with optical proximity correction and in resolving problems in wafer lithography.
In addition, RMTC promises to deliver total solutions in photo-lithography technology to our customers
1: Photomask
2: Wafer Fabrication
3: Silicon Foundry
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 85234063992
Fax: 85226678236
Address: No.7 Dai Shun Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate
City: Tai Po, N.T.
State/Province: none
Zip/PC: 00000
Country: Hong Kong
URL: http://www.remarkablemask.weebly.com
Contact: Amol Muley
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