Company: Balaji
Established: 2000
Description: Manufacturer of insulators as H, steatit, pin, post, bushing, transformer, low tension, telephone,
solid core station post for electrical electronic, textile, paints, foods, dyestuff industries as well as
mechanical, heating, thermostats.
1: Insulators
2: HT Insulators
3: Steatite Insulator
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 91-02764-40025577
Fax: 91-02764-40025584
Address: S. No. 717 to 721 Post Balol
City: Mehsana
State/Province: Gujarat
Zip/PC: 000000
Country: India
URL: http://www.balajiinsulators.com
Contact: Kalpesh Patel
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