Company: Tega Industries Limited
Established: 1976
Description: Tega Industries Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of Bulk Material Handling Equipments in India.
CC Divison of Tega Industries Deals in Conveyor Components such as Impact Pad, Ceramic Pulley Lagging
and Skirt Sealing System. These products make a spillage proof conveying System.
1: Industrial Supplies
2: Material Handling Equipments
3: Conveyors
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: +91 33 2458 6425/26, 2478 9714
Fax: +91 33 2478 1311
Address: 40/1A Block-B, New Alipore
City: Kolkata
State/Province: West Bengal
Zip/PC: 700 053
Country: India
URL: http://www.tegaindustries.com
Contact: Amit Kumar - Sales Engineer / Sourav Biswas - Product Engineer
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