Company: Jiangsu Sainty Bancom Pro-trading Co., Ltd.
Established: 2000
Description: Jiangsu Sainty Bancom Pro-trading Company is one of the largest plywood suppliers in China.
Our company belongs to Jiangsu Sainty Corp., Ltd., which is a public company listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Our factory operates under the name Jiangsu Sainty Bancom Wood Co., Ltd which is aiming to produce high quality
sheet materials. We have 1647 acres of poplar forest to utilize for long-term development and export our
plywood and film faced plywood to Europe, North America, Africa, Middle East and Asian countries.
1: plywood
2: film faced plywood
3: commercial plywood
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 0086-25-52875210
Fax: 0086-25-84200234
Address: 2/F Building B, No. 21 Ning Nan Ave.
City: China
State/Province: Jiangsu
Zip/PC: 210012
Country: China
URL: http://www.plywood.cc
Contact: Mason Pan
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