Company: ShuangDa Valve Co., Ltd.
Established: 2000
Description: Ball valve manufacturer producing Valve, Ball valve, Gate valve, Globe valve, Check valve,
Butterfly valve, Floating Ball Valve, Cast Steel Globe Valve, Forged Steel Globe Valve, Cast Steel Swing Check Valve,
Soft Seal Butterfly Valve, Self-Lubricating Plug Valves and associated products. We will provide you with high-quality
products and excellent friendly service.
1: ball valve
2: parallel slab gate valve
3: forged steel ball valve
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 0086-577-67980666
Fax: 0086-577-67985598
Address: Sanqiao Industrial Zone OuBei Town
City: Wenzhou
State/Province: Zhejiang
Zip/PC: 325000
Country: China
URL: http://www.ballvalvemanufacturer.com
Contact: Caozhangxu
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