Company: Guangzhou Premier Trading Company Ltd
Established: 2000
Description: Premier, has been engaged in the development, manufacturing and marketing of quality hardware
products as locks, metal wire products, gaming parts since 2000, and has become a reputable company in China.
Customers are welcome to contact me at hflockgz at hotmail dot com for more information.
1: lock
2: metal wire
3: gaming parts
Classification: Manufacturer Representatives
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 86-20-33996905
Fax: 86-20-34802277
Address: No.1503Yuxing Bldg, Xihuang Road, Shiqiao, Panyu
City: Guangzhou
State/Province: Guangdong
Zip/PC: 511409
Country: China
URL: http://www.hengfenglock.com
Contact: Ms. Kelly Zhou
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