Company: Chongqing Sinounion Industries, Inc.
Established: 1998
Description: We are a specialized manufacturer of cylinder heads such as
GM 6.5L, GM350, LD23, TD27, 3CT, 4M40T, 4D56, 4JG2, 2L, 2L2, 2LT, 3L, 5L head, cylinder block
(GM 6.5L block), crankshaft (GM 6.5L crankshaft), camshaft, connecting rod, oil pump and exhaust manifold,
valves, valve lifters (hydraulic tappet), engine shaft bearing, slack adjuster, S camshaft, air brake chamber,
brake shoe and related products. For more information, please contact us.
1: cylinder head
2: cylinder block
3: crankshaft
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 86-23-62827335
Fax: 62827235
Address: 1016 Gongmao Dasha, 12 North Road
City: Nanping
State/Province: ChongQing
Zip/PC: 400060
Country: China
URL: http://www.rlcylinderhead.diytrade.com
Contact: Michael Yu