Company: Star Safety & Trading, LP
Established: 1999
Description: Star Safety & Trading, LP is one of the largest distributors of
safety supplies on the Internet. Over 200 manufacturers and over 50,000 sku's, if it has to do with safety - Star Safety will have it. From disposable clothing, safety glasses, safety vests and hard hats, to small power tools, safety signs and traffic safety - We bet we have it.
Star Safety started out as BSE Supplies in 1999. Over the years it evolved from being a small disposable glove importer to a very large safety supply distributor. After liquidating supplies via the Internet, Star developed it's first website in 2002. In 2008 Star completed a large transition to a very large website that will eventually host over 150,000 safety sku's.
1: Safety Vests
2: Construction Safety
3: Facility Maintenance
Classification: Distributor/Dealer
Target Markets: North America
Tel: 214-570-1000
Fax: 214-570-0708
Address: 12005 Forestgate, Suite 104
City: Dallas
State/Province: Texas
Zip/PC: 75243
Country: USA
URL: http://www.StarSafetyTrading.com
Contact: Nancy Wahlquist