Company: QC Industries Conveyors
Established: 1981
Description: QC Industries is the leader in low profile belt conveyors. A range of versatile and reliable conveyors are available for any industry.
Our popular 125 Series conveyors offer a profile of only 1.89", allowing them to fit almost anywhere. With options including magnetic frames, stainless steel frames and cleated belts, these conveyors are ideal for manufacturing, packaging, assembly, pharmaceutical and many other operations.
Our 125Z Series angled frame conveyors offer a variety of angles and configurations for incline and decline operations.
The 300 Series indexing conveyor offers precision indexing capabilities, accurate to +/- .015". Custom molded cleats and convertible timing belts make this product ideal for any indexing application.
Visit QC Industries today to see how our conveyors can be the perfect solution for your application.
1: conveyor
2: belt conveyor
3: indexing conveyor
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: North America, Latin America, UK/Western Europe, Central/Eastern Europe
Tel: 513-753-6000
Fax: 513-753-6001
Address: 4057 Clough Woods Dr.
City: Batavia
State/Province: Ohio
Zip/PC: 45103
Country: USA
URL: http://www.qcindustries.com
Contact: Sales
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