Company: Premier Tools
Established: 1980
Description: Premier-Tools is the national Spanish distributor for Draper Automotive Tools. Draper Tools
are known for exceptional quality at competitive prices with over 10.000 product lines stored at their warehouse
in the UK. This enables Premier-Tools to quickly locate and supply a wide variety of products from stock here
in Spain or from stock in the UK. We are constantly working to improve and expand our product range and
stock to bring you the best and latest products.
1: hand tools
2: power tools
3: draper tools
Classification: Distributor/Dealer
Target Markets: UK/Western Europe
Tel: 952 455 143
Fax: 952 455 159
Address: Poligono Industrial Cantarranas, s/n
City: Coin
State/Province: Malaga
Zip/PC: 29100
Country: Spain
Contact: Simone Icough
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